Monday, January 26, 2009

"Feelings of broken"


Ending a relationship can be a brutal experience to go through, whether your the one ending the relationship, or if your the one getting dumped. A broken heart is one of the most horrific human emotions that you can feel. Often it is easier to write your emotional state of mind down on paper, whether its a poem, a rant, or even incoherent rambling. It can really help you focus your thoughts in a time where your better judgment can really be clouded.
Whether you are writing a poem to win back the heart of a lost love, or just need closure to a broken heart so you can move on with your own life, poetry is very therapeutic for the soul.

Wings to fly

How can i always lend a hand
but ignore the cries within myself
it brings me joy to bring you a smile
but my emptiness still sits up on the shelf

Inside my heart will always bleed
but i will never let it be shown on my face
only the tears that falls down my cheek
will give you glimpse, a shadow, a trace

I suffocate when i try to breath
the chains you gave won't let my body go
i have dreams, and needs and wants
my body is numb i think maybe you should know

i struggle with my demons each day
you feed them while you slowly watch me die
please let me be and set me free
i want to smile as i look up at the sky

i want the moon to brighten the night
i want the clouds to pass me on by
I want the stars to guide me to heaven
and i want wings to life me and fly

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